Choose the Remote Control Car That Best Fits Your Personality and Driving Style

Deciding which types of remote control cars are right for you depends on a number of different considerations.

I suggest that first you must figure out what kind of RC playing brings you the most joy. If you don't know that you'll likely buy the wrong model, quickly become bored with it, and label it as a waste of time and money.
You'll never turn anything you don't have fun with into a hobby.
What excites you the most when you think about all things road...or off road if that's where your pleasure lies?
Do you occupy your playtime on a private basis? Some people are naturally loners when they seek relaxation. A loner takes his radio control vehicle and finds a spot where nobody will bother him, and he'll spend endless hours driving his model on whatever surface intrigues him at a given moment.
Do you plan RC outings with the kids or grandkids? Parents and grandparents looking to spend some quality time with the little ones need enough vehicles for everyone, and they'll need to create activities designed for operating multiple models in the same area at the same time.
Do you lean toward leisurely sight seeing drives in the countryside? Do you want a city driving scenario, or perhaps a suburban layout?
Will you build a driving area, including houses from which you'll drive your remote control to work, or to the grocery? Will you erect "skyscrapers" you'll drive among as you travel to your city job?
Look at replicas of family cars, sports cars, trucks, and SUVs - make your choice from models created for blacktop operation.
Do you want a 4-wheel drive car for rougher terrain than paved roads? Maybe you'll go to the country, find a field with a hill, drive to the top, and have a picnic with a marvelous view. Or do you prefer heading for a day at the beach?
Trucks, SUVs, and buggies work well for this type of driving.
Does your interest lead you to the races? What kind of racing fits your personality?
For straight tracks you'll want an RC dragster, or a high-speed racecar. If you do your racing on an oval track try an open wheel IRL car, or a model designed for the NASCAR circuit.
Are you racing on BAJA surface conditions? You'll want a buggy with good road clearance to handle the dusty, rough terrain.
Make these considerations the first step in deciding which remote control car you'll buy (and how many you'll need), and then select from the many options you'll have in just that area of vehicles.

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